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Free ACEs and Resilience Trainings

We at Prevent Child Abuse Illinois offer a lot of trainings, including several on the topics of Adverse Childhood Experiences, Childhood Trauma, and Resilience.  Our trainings are always free and can be offered either in-person or virtually. Our trainings are great for any group and can be adapted to meet your needs.

Check out the descriptions for our ACEs Project trainings below!

Contact Kelsey Greene at to schedule a training today.

Trauma 101: The Impact of Childhood Trauma

This training is an introductory training on trauma and discusses the definition of trauma, explaining both acute and complex trauma. It describes how traumatic experience impacts brain development in children and how that affects them into adulthood.

Building a Road to Resilience

This training introduces participants to the concept of resiliency and how to build resiliency in the youth and families they are working with. The training challenges participants to assess their own resiliency traits and begin exploring how their own traits impact their ability to build resiliency in youth and families.

Poverty: Cycles of Risk

This training will allow participants to gain a deeper understanding of how poverty often reinforces other issues such as exposure to violence, complex trauma, homelessness, and substance misuse and how living in poverty can impact the most vulnerable families in communities we serve.

Effective Engagement: The Key to Building Resilience in Youth and Families

This training will provide participants with effective engagement strategies that can be used to engage youth and families. The training will identify various strategies that can be done on an individual and an organizational level to increase the level of engagement between the professional and the client being served.

Addressing Secondary Trauma: Prioritizing Our Well Being

This training session will introduce attendees to the importance of being aware of how secondary trauma impacts both their professional and personal lives. This training will provide attendees with various activities that can be utilized as an individual, as well as activities that can be done at the organizational level. 

Understanding ACES: How the Body Keeps the Score

This training introduces participants to the Adverse Childhood Experiences study that was done in the late 1990’s. Participants will learn how and why the study was conducted and conclusions due to the study. This training will explore a deeper understanding of brain development and what types of stress impact healthy brain development. 

There are also other great training courses available online through other organizations! The CDC has training modules to learn how to prevent ACEs, for beginners and professionals looking to expand their knowledge. You can even earn your Brain Story Certification through the Alberta Family Wellness Initiative's program. 

Check out some on-demand webinars below from other organizations!

Bright Horizons' "Boosting Your Child's Independence and Resilience" Webinar

HOPE'S "The DNA of Hope: The Science of Positive Framework" Webinar

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